A-Cute Derm: Loción limpiadora que no reseca
A-Cute Derm: Loción limpiadora que no reseca

A-Cute Derm: Loción limpiadora que no reseca


A-Cute Derm's Non-Drying Cleansing Lotion es un limpiador sin jabón con pH equilibrado que es beneficioso para la piel seca, madura y sensible. Es perfecto para cualquier persona que esté pasando por tratamientos anti-edad o cualquier tipo de sensibilidad. La loción limpiadora que no reseca tiene un pH neutro e incluso se puede usar cuando no hay agua disponible.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
I love this product

I love all the A-Cute derm products I've used - mostly the mature skin products. I am 52 and get compliments all the time - you look 35!! I take good care of my skin and do not use any other products. It keeps my skin looking healthy, feeling great, and I don't worry about lines, wrinkles, or uneven skin tone. A-Cute Derm keeps me looking great. HIGHLY recommend these products.

Marilyn Weaver
Easy Way to a Clean Face

My 10 year old daughter loves this stuff. It's so easy for her to use. I really like it also. We use a washcloth and rinse with warm water.